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[聊] Just... EVERYTHING about UToronto!


今天要來跟大家說說我在多倫多目前經歷過的一切 & 對未來要來多倫多大學的人的建議! 我會努力繼續寫更多有用的東西跟你們說的!

Since it's the time of year high school students are picking, or probably finished picking, their universities, i figure i should share things that i would tell myself had i start the whole process again. Enjoy and hopefully it'll be helpful!

如果你是台灣人,大陸人,韓國人,日本人,i'm a taiwanese so from my perspective, 真的不用帶太多東西,除了沾醬類的東西。這裡簡單的東西都有:沙茶醬,蘋果西打,羊肉爐,什麼的都有!可是特別一點的 橘醬,香椿醬,什麼的就買不到。可以帶就要儘量待喔!

Generally speaking, YOU DONT NEED TO BRING THAT MANY STUFF!!! If you are from East Asia, congratulation you are in luck! You will not be deprived of any Japanese miso, Korean spicy paste, Chinese medicine, or even Taiwanese satay sauce 沙茶醬. Just remember to bring those special and your favourite sauces. For me, it would be 胡麻醬 :P

8月以前: Before August:
- Residence 一定要弄好! 不要像我一樣一樣笨笨的,一直到 7 or 8月都還不知道我明年到底要住哪裡。
- Sign up for orientation events! I signed up for both Step Up Orientation and New College orientation.

9月以前: Before September:
- Sign up for a lot of peer mentor program. I joined First in the Family & First-year Learning Community.

10月以前: Before October:
- Sign up for a lot of clubs and activities! Say, CIE language exchange, ROCSAUT Taiwanese student association, UTFOLD origami club, UTMUN, and so many other clubs and activities. 在10月以前加入因為一般他們都會在9月的時候徵人,就可以直接加入變成他們的 staff,會讓你在大學的日子更有歸屬感。Joining clubs can actually help you meet a lot of people and consequently be very helpful in the long run. You can get cheaper textbooks, free practice exams, even cooking advices or free home made food~ It can be very useful! of course it'll be fun as well if you do like the club you're in.
- Figure out drop date and of course holiday times. 知道 drop date 以後等於是給你自己留了一條後路! 如果覺得自己可能拿不到高分的話,不要像我一樣笨笨的就傻傻的繼續拿,要及時走回頭路! 不要讓自己 GPA 掉下來。大學的 GPA 跟高中不只含金量不一樣,而且很難維持。隨便一個低一點的考試成績就會拖下來很多因為每一個考試的比分都很重,不像高中的考試一般來說不會那麼重,所以其他的高一點是拉的上來的。大學真的不太能鬆懈啊!

11月以前: Before November:
- BUY WINTER CLOTHES & BOOTS!!! This is a time to do it. It start to get cold soon, however there's not a lot of discount at this time of year, but you do need it for the winter. Usually the discounts come in February or March, wait if you can, but don't be too stubborn.
- Final examination time should be out. Now you can start booking your flight and planning your holiday!!!
- In November, or around that time (it varies from year to year) there'll be a FALL BREAK! For Faculty of Arts and Science, it's usually 4 days. For Engineering, it's usually 3 days. Remember to plan it oh! A break during the school year is very precious~ However, the break is usually before exams or assignments, but you should spend a couple of days outside, stay away from school for maybe 2 days.

12月以前: Before December:
- In December, remember the big christmas break? If you live in Residence, make sure you pack up before the school kicks you out :P If you live off campus and have a lot of first year friends, note that people might want to live at your place between their kicked out date and the time of their flight.
- It'll be final exam season. Make sure you start early & don't miss your exam! p.s. our chem prof has shared an example of someone missing their exam by accident and subsequently need to take summer courses.

1月以前: Before January:
- Drop date for spring courses.
- For those who live off campus, store some foods. It will get so cold that you won't want to go outside for groceries. Because i usually go to Chinatown for groceries, so it gets really cold and painful. Of course you can go shop at supermarkets like METRO, Sobeys, Loblaw, or NoFrills. These supermarkets are all downtown so very accessible, but it's still cold.

2月以前: Before February:
- READING WEEK!!! My reading week has been the best experience of my first year. I signed up for New College's Camp Kawartha trip. It only costs 100 but it covers food, accommodation, travel and everything you need. All you need is your clothes and snacks. Their food is fabulous and the activities are tightly packed so you won't be bored.
- Be sure to plan your trip!!! There're a lot of school trips to sign up for, and you can also go out with your friends. Living in Toronto, you could go to Montreal, New York, Vancouver, Boston, and even Iceland as long as you can find cheaper flight tickets.

3月以前: Before March:
- SAVE MONEY, because there'll be DISCOUNTS for winter clothes and boots!!!

4月以前: Before April:
- Start packing whenever you have a chance! Especially if you live on campus or are going away for the summer. Don't be like me, i stayed for the summer partially because i still have way too many things not consumed :P I bought couple of stuff from Walmart where they delivered, so i have a lot of canned food, noodles, rice, powdered drinks, and quite a lot of frozen food. Therefore if i left as the original plan, these stuff will all have to be moved along with me, and that's quite some stuff to move!

5月以前: Before May:
- Be sure of your summer plan! If you're going to apply for summer work study, apply ASAP!!! I relaxed immediately and completely forgot about the work study, so it was quite a shame that i didn't get into it... Don't make my mistake!!!

* 冰箱一定要定時清理! 而且腦袋裡面要大概有一個冰箱的地圖,這樣出去買菜也比較清楚要買些什麼東西,才不會浪費。
* 我很推薦在冰箱上面放一個白板。今天買了雞蛋,就寫在白板上面。因為很多東西真的很容易過期,一個人在外面要認真照顧自己!
* U of T 有food bank,可以去定期拿洋蔥 & 馬鈴薯這種很需要可是去買的話就會一份會太多的東西。還有很多便宜的麵包,罐頭,很多煮飯很方便的東西!
* 家具要知道 Facebook 有一個 U of T Free and For Sale. 在搬家的時候會有很多人賣自己的家具。真的會便宜很多! 不要像我一樣傻傻的在 IKEA 上面買全部的家具,那個 group 上面有很多 IKEA 的二手家具,價格砍半是基本。我最近 4 月底在定期追蹤這個 group 因為大家都要搬家所以必須脫手這些家具,最近便宜到不行甚至還有免費的!!! 可惜我最近沒有要搬家,不然真的見到很多便宜!!! 聽說 8 月底也會有一波脫手家具潮,我已經摩拳擦掌準備好要搶便宜了 hahaha
* 如果一個人住的話,很推薦買一個音響/radio 來填滿空氣中的孤寂。不要讓自己自怨自艾。

That's all i can think of now. I will keep updating if i think of anything else~ also feel free to contact me if you have any question!

Thank you for watching! Ariel's Couch~
