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Showing posts from 2015

[吃] 紅豆湯 Red Bean Soup

紅豆湯 Red Bean Soup This is a dish that ALL Taiwanese and most of the Asian population will resonant to~ It's RED BEAN SOUP~ I know for some of the world, beans are not meant to be cooked as sweet, but this is a dish that will make you FALL IN LOVE WITH BEAN DESSERTS!!!!!! Ingredients: Red beans Sugar of your liking (brown sugar is better) Salt, just a small pinch to bring out the flavour Water Procedure: 1. Thoroughly wash your beans, and cover the beans with water slightly above them for over night. 2. Now you can cook~ Simply put the whole water and red bean on top of the stove. Turn medium heat and patiently wait. Make sure you put the lid on or else you will be waiting forever!!! (don't be as stupid as i was the first i cooked this) 3. Once you see the red beans' structure slowly broken down, generously pour brown sugar and taste it to adjust the sweetness. Adding a small pinch of salt is recommended. and then VOALA~ YOU HAVE AN AWESOME POT OF RED BEAN SO...

[吃] 茶葉蛋 Tea Boiled Egg

茶葉蛋 Tea Boiled Egg Ingredient: 2 Black tea tea bags 2 Oolong tea tea bags 20 Eggs Soy sauce 1 table spoon 冰糖 crystal sugar 2~3 八角 Star anise (a kind of Chinese spices, again, you can find it in almost all Chinatown supermarkets) Of course, 20 eggs is a large amount so simply proportionate your ingredients~ 1. Boil your eggs for 20 mins, doesn't have to be well done as it will be cooked later. 2. Crack your eggs but don't peal the shell off. Tea boiled eggs are iconic for keeping the shells while cooking. Crack it once on the bottom of the egg, twice on the sides. This is sufficient and PLEASE don't over do this step. 3. Then put eggs and all the ingredients into the pot, make sure all eggs are covered with liquid, if not, add water. 4. Bring the pot to boil and let it boil with medium heat for 20 mins. 5. After 20 mins, let it cool to the temperature you can withstand your hand inside. 6. Boil the pot for 20 mins again. This repeated heating and cooling ...

Just... EVERYTHING about living by yourself in Toronto

these are the stuff i have, think you need, and recommend you to buy when you move in Furniture: IKEA mattress & sheets Mattress: Duvet: Bedding sheets: Pillow: I have 3 pillows because i like them xp~ so i bought one more expensive one for the real sleeping one, and two really cheap ones as cushions. x1 x2 Pillow case, for the extra two pillows that i use as cushion (because it's actually cheaper this way) Carpet*** this is surprisingly essential for a suite/bachelor style room. Adding one single carpet enlarged your living area in the room tremendously. Highly recommend having a carpet in your room when your room is really small.

[吃] 蘆筍豬肉炒麵 Asparagus Pork Fried Noodle

蘆筍豬肉炒麵 Asparagus Pork Fried Noodle Ingredient 食材: Asparagus 蘆筍 Pork meat 豬肉 Asian noodle 麵 Garlic 大蒜 Procedure 步驟: 1. Cook the noodles first. 先煮麵因為等一下要炒。 2. Use garlic and a little red pepper to spice up the whole dish. 用大蒜&一點點辣椒爆香。 3. Stir fry the pork meat. 加豬肉炒熟。 4. Add asparagus and add salt to fit your taste. Make sure you make it more salty since you will add noodles. 豬肉炒熟了以後加蘆筍炒熟。加鹽調味,記得要比較鹹一點因為要炒麵。 5. Add noodles. Stir fry equally but doesn't have to be too long since the noodles are cooked already. 加麵,不用煮太久因為麵是熟的。拌勻就可以了。 Reference 食譜參考: I changed quite a bit because i don't have a blender / food processor plus i want to use it as bento. 因為我沒有食物調理機/果汁機而且我需要帶便當所以我沒有用熱炒的形式。 Thank you for reading~ Ariel's Conch~~

豆漿味噌海陸土手鍋 Soy milk*miso*salmon*chicken breast*chinese cabbage Noodle Soup~

Ariel 食譜: 豆漿味噌海陸土手鍋 Recipe Ariel: Soy milk*miso*salmon*chicken breast*chinese cabbage Noodle Soup~ 真的吃起來比看起來好吃喔~ 雞胸肉跟鮭魚跟味増湯一直以來的完美搭配, 白菜一直以來在重口味湯裡面釋放甜味的能力,加上豆漿和赤味増一起搭配出來的濃郁湯頭 = 超級無敵好吃的味増烏龍麵~!!! Looks tasty right~? Let's try!!! 我煮了2次這一道菜,所以有一些食材會不一樣,沒有關係喔。The picture attached in this post involves two different trials of this dish, thus some ingredients will look different. Ingredients: Chinese cabbage 白菜 *1 Salmon 鮭魚 *as much as you want, preferably the same amount as Salmon Chicken breast 雞胸肉 *as much as you want, preferably the same amount as Chicken breast (不在照片裡 not included in the picture) 白蘿蔔 Turnip *1 Miso paste 味増 *two spoon full 2湯匙 Wulong noodle 烏龍麵 *one person's serving 一人份 Soy milk sugarless 無糖豆漿 *about 700ml 大概700ml Preparations 準備工作: 1. 把白菜切成比鍋子矮一點點的距離,要可以蓋鍋蓋。Cut chinese cabbage to the height that it's just below the pot's height, make sure you can put the lid back on the pot. 2. 鮭魚&雞胸肉切小塊。白蘿蔔切一口大小。Slice salmon, chicken breast, a...

Pudding 焦糖布丁~~~

Recipe Ariel: Pudding Ariel食譜:焦糖布丁~~~ Ingredients 材料: Eggs 蛋 *3 3% Milk 牛奶 *about a 475ml Starbucks cup full 大概一個475ml的星巴克杯子滿 Sugar 糖 *3+1 spoon full 大匙 (我用的是紅糖因為我只有買這個) Water 水 (preferably hot water because the water will splash out of the pan 最好是熱水因為水加進去的時候會噴出來) Small pan 小鍋子 Container 布丁杯 (has to be microwavable) Scraping Screen 過篩的網子 Steaming machine 大同電鍋~!!! Part A, the sugar underneath the pudding that escalates the favour~ 1. Heat up your sugar, the 3 spoons full portion, in the small pan and make sure it doesn't burn. Heat up until you smell a very satisfactory caramel-like smell. 2. Pour in some water to the amount that you think it would be enough to fill your container for the pudding, for me its about half a 475ml Starbucks cup. 3. Continue heating it up and when the water is completely mixed with the sugar, e.g. you can no longer see the sugar crystals, pour it into the container of your choice. 第一部份,我最愛的焦糖~ 1. 把3湯匙的糖放進去小鍋子裡面然後加熱,要小心不可以燒焦。 2. 聞到很香...

Ali Mountain, and all you need to know for travelling there!

***** THIS IS A HAVE-TO-VISIT MOUNTAIN IN TAIWAN! Ali Mountain is probably the second most well known mountain of Taiwan, next to Yushan. However, despite its fame, you still see dozens of Taiwanese travelling to Ali Mountain, which is a rare thing if you look at the Sun Moon Lake because locals tend to avoid famous scenic sites. This is largely contributed by Ali Mountain's unique sceneries and the tendency that Chinese tourists don't stay over night. I think Ali Mountain is actually one of the ideal places for tourists to travel by themselves in a small group because, 1. Public Transportation is really convenient, will elaborate. 2. Even though during the day the whole forest park might be over populated by Chinese tourists, however they generally DO NOT stay over night, so the trip will still be really pleasant~ Especially the SUN RISE, Morning walking tours, star gazing etc. Definitely something you will want to check out. 3. Easy to buy souvenirs, everything from ...

Dajia Mazu International Religious Festival 大甲媽祖遶境

Dajia Mazu International Religous Festival (There're many other names...) Wonder if any one of you know about this event, but this is a really big national event of Taiwan that has been around for at least 50 years. And since I'm going to study abroad in this fall, I decided to feel the religious zeal of Taiwan before i leave this beautiful country. People call it the "Mazu Mania" quite literally in Taiwan for some reason that I intended to find out. Specialty of this festival - a 9 days marching with Mazu - religious march, shows your dedication and devotion of Mazu - allegedly very efficacious - the feeling of traditions and religious devotion - free food along the way given by really kind people, often volunteers - very kind people who would easily chat with you - It is essentially a huge parade celebrating Mazu~ The pilgrimage part is to show your dedication, not a compulsory. H...

Xiaoliuqiu, Taiwan~ a compacted holiday with food, seafood, and so much more~

Hi Everyone~ The last four-day holiday weekend I travelled to Xiaoliuqiu with a friend of mine. I would like to share my experience as a guidance for you all~ First and foremost, transportation. 1. Train or Taiwan high speed train $ Buy a ticket to Zuoying station 左營站 If you travel on a normal weekday, book at least 5 days prior to get the maximum discount online, or else you can go and buy nonreserved seats on the day of departure to save about $50. I took the train from Banqiao to Zuoying, non reserved seats, $1545 2. Go to donggang harbor 東港碼頭 Here, there're 3 way to do so. 1) Take metro $20 from high speed train station 高鐵左營站 to gaohsiong station 高雄車站 and transfer to bus 客運 $ 118 for any bus that goes to 東港. This is the method I took but allegedly it takes longer, which I cannot be sure. 2) Take the bus 台灣好行 墾丁線 to dapengwan 大鵬灣. Donggang 東港 is inside the 大鵬灣 national park, so it's definitely accessible, through, I guess asking people along the way. Taiwa...

2015 平溪天燈節~ 體會Tangled裡面的感動

2015 平溪天燈節 平溪天燈節真的是一年一度的盛會喔~ 看到一大批天燈飛起來的那一瞬間的感動真的是無與倫比呢~ 非常值得來看看~!!! 2015年的分3次,2/22,2/27,和3/5號。每一次都有8批左右的天燈會一起飛上天,那個場景真的非常感動喔~ 我是不專業的手機拍的,要看真的漂亮的請上網自己找 XP 我參加的是2/27號的天燈節。雖然我個人覺得非常值得來看,可是難免有一些疏失。現在要來點出一些天燈節行政上面的規劃欠缺之處。 首先要先表揚天燈節的官網做的又漂亮又清楚~ 有時間表,接駁車路線,其他活動,還有很多東西。但是很多旅客會想要知道的東西都沒有。接下來我們就來一一講評。 最重要的,交通!!! 一個階段一個階段來 去程: 火車,一切ok~ 我是從桃園開始坐火車到七堵轉天燈的接駁車。這裏的規劃很好。在車站閘門有路牌也有人員可以問,非常清楚。按照指示走到車站門口馬上就看到大概4~5個人還有讓人們排隊的紅龍。 接駁車,多了很多不必要的麻煩 我從七堵坐的接駁車到十分就下了,要旅客再轉一次接駁車。從來的路上,遠遠的就看到很多人在排隊,至少有300m。車上每一個人都面面相覷,不知道是在排什麼隊。到了現場,被指揮下車。這裏,牌子太少,根本沒有發揮到作用。每一個人都跑去問警察現在是要怎麼辦。當知道排隊是在排去平溪的接駁車,大家都傻眼因為很正常的以為接駁車是直接送到會場去。 這個不合常理。 我不了解政府要我們在轉一次車的用意是什麼。從各個火車站接駁上來的公車很夠,我看到每一班車都沒有站著的人。為什麼不直接接駁到平溪去? 讓我們在下面排過接駁車的人上來還要在排另一個接駁車,而且這一個車子還有供不應求的現象。是想要讓遊客在十分花錢嗎? 還是想要賺接駁車的錢? 很多人看到要排這麼長的隊伍就放棄了,乾脆在十分放天燈就走了。難道是這個目的? 可是,這樣不就違背了天燈節的美意? 就失去了目睹盛大場面的機會了。我並沒有放棄,因為目的就是要看盛況。於是我去坐平溪線的火車,從十分到平溪。 平溪線火車 到了十分車站,只有“恐怖”以及“人山人海”可以形容。 十分車站本來的月台就小,人又多,大家都還沒上車就已經體會到沙丁魚的感覺。火車來的時候,大家放出一片哀嚎因為車廂來的時候就已經有70%滿了。於是大家開始卯足了勁往車廂裡面擠,甚至連要下車的人...


五分埔 五分埔呢,是一個我高二的暑假才發現的一個地方。從那次以後到現在,我前前後後去了五分埔6次。而我現在還可以清楚記得自己第一次去的迷惘和徬徨,我也有上網找過可是都是白費力氣。所以我決定要用簡單的畫圖來帶領你們遊覽五分埔。 簡單來說,五分埔就是一個大又沒有分類的百貨公司。所謂的1, 3, 5, 7街都只是輔導我們找到自己喜歡的店或方便我們回去買猶豫不決的那一件衣服而已,以前的禮服街什麼的已經沒有了。 地圖我就只標一些地標,細節等一下細說~ 首先,最基本的交通 1)捷運 松山線的松山車站 松山車站一走出來四處張望一下很快就可以看出五分埔&松隆路的不同。五分埔有很多小小的店面而松隆路都是連鎖的店家。從車站本體一出來,背後是車站的情況下,左邊的五分埔,右邊是松隆路。往左手邊看看到康是美進去就可以直接開始逛了。p.s. 松隆路後面就是饒河街夜市。 板南線的後山埤站 從後山埤站一走出來 (走有U-bike的出口) 會馬上看到一間萊爾富 & 康是美。康是美所在的那一條街就是童裝街了。從地圖上康是美字體左邊的巷子進去就是五分埔了。有一間粉圓店就在那裏,非常好認。 2)火車 - 沿襲上面的捷運松山車站。 3)公車 地圖上面標的公車站是我自己會走的。我都從信義區新光三越的松壽路口開始坐284因為班次密集,不過有很多公車都會去那裏,稍微找一下就好。或者是上網找找看哪一個你比較方便。公車隨時更新,我就不貼路線囉。 4)U-bike 松山站 & 後山埤站都有U-bike的站喔。松山站:在站在車站本體5點鐘的方向,有點隱密。 接下來呢,民以食為天的吃飯~ -廟 地圖上標的廟那邊呢,有很多夜市類型的小吃攤。就是吃了肚子不會餓的不是美食的食物。 -鄉村煙燻滷味 一間永遠客滿 & 網路上非常有名的店。我還沒有幸運到吃過他們家的麵可是吃過滷味。真的非常推薦喔。我的必點是: 豆干,豬皮 (店裏叫肉皮),還有脆腸。他們家的東西入味不用說,最特別的是豬皮不是滷到軟了的那一種,而是QQ的, 很有嚼勁,而且顏色不是一般的醬油色澤,是豬皮本身的顏色,有的時候甚至還看得到豬身上的印章,很特別喔。 -松山車站 很多百貨公司會有的連鎖餐廳 -饒河街夜市 我都是下午開始逛然後晚餐去吃饒河街夜市。什麼都有,隨便逛逛...