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豆漿味噌海陸土手鍋 Soy milk*miso*salmon*chicken breast*chinese cabbage Noodle Soup~

Ariel 食譜: 豆漿味噌海陸土手鍋
Recipe Ariel: Soy milk*miso*salmon*chicken breast*chinese cabbage Noodle Soup~

雞胸肉跟鮭魚跟味増湯一直以來的完美搭配, 白菜一直以來在重口味湯裡面釋放甜味的能力,加上豆漿和赤味増一起搭配出來的濃郁湯頭 = 超級無敵好吃的味増烏龍麵~!!!
Looks tasty right~? Let's try!!!

我煮了2次這一道菜,所以有一些食材會不一樣,沒有關係喔。The picture attached in this post involves two different trials of this dish, thus some ingredients will look different.

Chinese cabbage 白菜 *1
Salmon 鮭魚 *as much as you want, preferably the same amount as Salmon
Chicken breast 雞胸肉 *as much as you want, preferably the same amount as Chicken breast (不在照片裡 not included in the picture)
白蘿蔔 Turnip *1
Miso paste 味増 *two spoon full 2湯匙
Wulong noodle 烏龍麵 *one person's serving 一人份
Soy milk sugarless 無糖豆漿 *about 700ml 大概700ml

Preparations 準備工作:
1. 把白菜切成比鍋子矮一點點的距離,要可以蓋鍋蓋。Cut chinese cabbage to the height that it's just below the pot's height, make sure you can put the lid back on the pot.
2. 鮭魚&雞胸肉切小塊。白蘿蔔切一口大小。Slice salmon, chicken breast, and turnip into bite size pieces.

Procedures 步驟:
1. 用味增把鍋子內部一整圈都塗滿味增。Apply Miso paste around the inside of the pot.
2. 把白菜舖在鍋子圍一圈。Align the chinese cabbage pieces around the pot, the miso paste should stick the cabbage to the pot.

像這樣,Looking like this:

3. 烏龍麵放在白菜的中間。Put the wulong noodle in the middle of the cabbage wall.

4. 把鮭魚&雞胸肉(白蘿蔔)都放上去,把京蔥放在最上面。Put the salmon, chicken breast, (turnip). Pile them up the way you like it and leeks on the top.

5. 倒豆漿進去到大概8份滿,開小火煮。Pour the soy milk into the pot about 80% of the pot, turn on the fire to small or mid, and wait while delicious things happen~

然後就~ and then~~

Reference 食譜參考:

Thank you for reading~ Ariel's Conch~~