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Pudding 焦糖布丁~~~

Recipe Ariel: Pudding

Ingredients 材料:

Eggs 蛋 *3
3% Milk 牛奶 *about a 475ml Starbucks cup full 大概一個475ml的星巴克杯子滿
Sugar 糖 *3+1 spoon full 大匙 (我用的是紅糖因為我只有買這個)
Water 水 (preferably hot water because the water will splash out of the pan 最好是熱水因為水加進去的時候會噴出來)

Small pan 小鍋子
Container 布丁杯 (has to be microwavable)
Scraping Screen 過篩的網子
Steaming machine 大同電鍋~!!!

Part A, the sugar underneath the pudding that escalates the favour~
1. Heat up your sugar, the 3 spoons full portion, in the small pan and make sure it doesn't burn. Heat up until you smell a very satisfactory caramel-like smell.
2. Pour in some water to the amount that you think it would be enough to fill your container for the pudding, for me its about half a 475ml Starbucks cup.
3. Continue heating it up and when the water is completely mixed with the sugar, e.g. you can no longer see the sugar crystals, pour it into the container of your choice.

1. 把3湯匙的糖放進去小鍋子裡面然後加熱,要小心不可以燒焦。
2. 聞到很香的焦糖的味道就可以加水,加大概大同電鍋杯子1杯的水。看你布丁想要有多少焦糖囉。
3. 水完全融化了以後就可以倒進去布丁杯裡面囉~

Part B, the actual pudding!!!
1. Gently mix up the 3 eggs, the gentler the smoother the pudding would taste.
2. Pour the milk into the pan used just now for the sugar, add the extra 1 spoon full of sugar inside.
3. Heat the milk up until the sugar is dissolved, the milk doesn't have to be boiled or anything.
4. Gently feel the heat of the milk, if it is hot, leave it to cool for a few minutes.
5. If (when) the milk is cool, add the eggs from step 1 and mix them up. Then preferably use the scraping screen to filter out the egg yolk, it would enhance the texture of the pudding.
6. Pour the pudding mixture into the previous container. It's ok if the pudding is mixed up with the sugar made previously, they will eventually separate due to the difference in density.
7. Into the steaming machine it goes~ Pour about half a Starbucks cup into the pot and leave something to prevent the lid from perfectly sealing the pot. Steam should escape from the pot otherwise it would leave water in the pot and consequently ruining the appearance of the pudding. I used a chopstick to do the job.

1. 把3顆蛋用筷子溫柔的打散,因為這樣空氣會比較少比較好吃。
2. 剛剛的鍋子倒牛奶進去,有糖沒關係因為接下來還是會加糖。
3. 加1湯匙的糖進去牛奶裡面然後把鍋子加熱直到糖融化。牛奶不用滾沒有關係。
4. 摸摸看牛奶,如果很熱就等一下等他冷卻,因為要加蛋進去太熱的話會把蛋煮熟,會很噁心喔!
5. 牛奶是冷的的話就把蛋加進去攪拌一下。最好過篩一下口感會很綿密喔~ 因為把蛋白篩出來了,會看得出來。
6. 可以把布丁倒進去布丁杯裡面囉~ 如果布丁感覺跟焦糖混在一起了沒關係,會沈澱因為重量不一樣。
7. 可以放進去電鍋裡面蒸囉~ 外鍋放1杯電鍋杯子的水。記得電鍋的蓋子不要完全密封,放一根筷子讓蒸汽跑出來才會漂亮~

DALALA~ About 30 mins you have this lovely pudding~ 等到電鍋跳起來就好了喔~~~

The texture looks like this~ 口感是這樣~

Super easy and super yammy~~~ 超好吃的哦~~~ 而且電鍋搞定~!!! 重點是我在多倫多買不到布丁,可是做起來又不會很麻煩~ 吃起來感覺超幸福的喔~~~

Reference 食譜參考:

Thank you for reading~ Ariel's Conch~~