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[學] SAT 作文分享

SAT Essay 20140503

A good leader must have an extraordinary acumen into things they do. They should not be pliable to their own beliefs. Instead of blindly listen to the public's opinion, a resolute and excellent leader should follow their own convictions.

A quintessential character to exemplify this universal statement is the avant-garde hero of India's Independence - Mohammad Gandhi. Gandhi once said "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." During 1940s, when the world is drenched in the turmoil of World War II, the great powers of the world changed and plethora colonies fought for their righteous independence. India was one of them. Myriad colonies chose the violent and traditional way to fight for their goal, yet Gandhi, this sublime leader, picked another path. He utilized non-violent protests. Before this string of effects caused by Gandhi, the world was unaware of the usurpation and tyranny of the Great Britain. The public thought Britain treated India nicely and the Salt March completely altered this point of view. It was this pivotal move that gained the world's attention and coerced Britain to give up its nefarious control. Without Gandhi believing his own convictions, India would approach the violent method and thus lose its freedom and independence.

The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, can also epitomize this universal statement. Reverend Paris, the priest and leader of the Puritan village was a leader who confide into the public's opinion. He allow Abigail and her cabal to stir chaos. He calls in Reverend Hale to examine the case which only gave the teenage girls more time and space to mess up the villagers' belief. If he had believe in his own initial conviction, which is that these things could never happen, the naive Puritan village would not have turned into the chaotic concentration camp, murdering dozens of innocent civilians.

Leaders need to have the robust mind, intelligent insight, and extraordinary stubbornness to lead their people into success. Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, observed that the number of women in dominating office position are extremely low. She called forth to all women, encouraging them to take their job offers to gain their worthy treatments, to change the public opinion of women being weak, quiet, conformative, and even bossy. "Bossy is showing leadership skills" she said. She believed in herself before thus became the COO of Facebook, shouldn't we all be allowed to do so and equally accomplish extraordinary things?


最近整理資料的時候翻到以前在練 SAT 的時候所寫的一些文章。想當初爲了刷題我可是每天寫一篇呢~ 現在看到真的好懷念,有種吾家有女初長成的懷念,也有點感概原來這已經離我這麽遙遠了。哈

小朋友們,這可是當初考過英文滿分的 SAT 作文哦,好好膜拜一下吧 hahaha

