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[吃] Stew beef intestines 滷牛肚

Stew intestines

Cool huh~ have any of you tried this dish??? it's a very traditional Chinese or Cantonese dish~ If you live in Toronto, i highly recommend the yellow restaurant at Spadina and Dundas. Since it's usually pretty expensive, so it's commonly thought as a very difficult to cook dish, but its not!!! here is how to cook~:
厲害吧~~ 好驕傲喔 :P 我從來沒有想像過自己會做過這種餐廳才吃得到的料理

Buy the ingredients you like, it could either be beef tripe, beef tendon, or any that doesn't have a predominant taste. This dish is usually made with intestines since they have good texture and little predominant taste of itself. I love the texture of intestines myself :P
Blanch the intestines in water.

Cut into bitesize or else you have to wait until its cold to cut smaller, which is hard because you will be so tempted to eat immediately~~~

I would recommend using casserole or thicker pan like those of le creuset's.
放到砂鍋裡,一般的鍋子也可以啦,不過我覺得砂鍋比較有fu~ :P

The soup is easy to prepare. Essential ingredients are scallion, hot pepper, crystal sugar, soy sauce, water, and other ingredients you prefer. This dish is really one of those dish wher eyou cook as you like it as, so add as much salt if you eat heavy (if you eat very salty). Please do not make it sour though, its would be ewwwww :P
Then add the blanched intestines into the soup and set it to high heat to boil. Then turn the heat down to simmer for at least 1 hour, but you can cook it for as long as you can~ it's a stew after all!
準備滷汁:滷包(我的是從台灣帶的), 滷東西一定要有的蔥,辣椒,冰糖,醬油,水... 其實滷東西真的是很投其所好的一件事,看你喜歡什麼就用什麼,知道嗎~? 然後把牛肚放進去開火。用大火煮滾了以後轉小火煮你想多久都可以~ 砂鍋比較不會讓滷汁減少。我建議至少1個小時啦~

After a few hours, its done~~!!! White and tasteless intestines will turn into a wonderful dish that's fully cooked with lovely flavours.
