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Showing posts from April, 2016

[吃] Stew beef intestines 滷牛肚

Stew intestines 滷牛肚 Cool huh~ have any of you tried this dish??? it's a very traditional Chinese or Cantonese dish~ If you live in Toronto, i highly recommend the yellow restaurant at Spadina and Dundas. Since it's usually pretty expensive, so it's commonly thought as a very difficult to cook dish, but its not!!! here is how to cook~: 厲害吧~~ 好驕傲喔 :P 我從來沒有想像過自己會做過這種餐廳才吃得到的料理 Buy the ingredients you like, it could either be beef tripe, beef tendon, or any that doesn't have a predominant taste. This dish is usually made with intestines since they have good texture and little predominant taste of itself. I love the texture of intestines myself :P Blanch the intestines in water. 先川燙牛肚&牛百葉 Cut into bitesize or else you have to wait until its cold to cut smaller, which is hard because you will be so tempted to eat immediately~~~ 切小塊 I would recommend using casserole or thicker pan like those of le creuset's. 放到砂鍋裡,一般的鍋子也可以啦,不過我覺得砂鍋比較有fu~ :P The soup is e...

[玩] St.Lawrence Market

St Lawrence Market 今天想跟大家分享 Toronto 的 St.Lawrence Market! 真的是很漂亮的一個地方喔~ 我是上禮拜去的,今年4月的多倫多天氣真的是夢寐以求都不一定能的得到的好天氣啊 :P 白天是燦爛的藍天白雲,戴上墨鏡的男男女女豐富了街景。大家都很享受明媚的陽光,patio的座位變得一位難求。葉子莎莎的聲音是聊天最好的背景音樂而春天清晰的味道是最好的開胃菜。 貼一張我今天下午發呆的young&dundas廣場,大家都很愜意。我覺得西方人值得學習的其中一點就是懂得享受生活。他們可以在日常生活中找到樂趣,草地上野餐,週末patio聊天,假日開5個小時去“附近”玩。放假不用出國,出國不用購物,購物不用跟隨潮流搜索必買清單。 好啦,正體開始。 St. Lawrence Market Address: 92-95 Front St E, Toronto, ON M5E 1C3 交通:我個人是騎車去的,利用多倫多方便的 的服務。跟台灣的Youbike一樣,只是站少很多導致於他有點不方便,不過在市區裡面的話是還蠻暢行無阻的,而且不用擔心失竊&維修,很符合我個人的需求。他在 St.Lawrence Market 的北邊&南邊都有站,所以可以任意選一邊換然後開始逛到另外一邊在借另外一台,不用繞路。 要做TTC的話看你從哪裡出發,google map都有喔。不過應該是做504最快。 他就是你傳統會想到的歐洲的market,跟我們亞洲人習慣的很不一樣可是有找的到異曲同工的地方。連CNN都很推薦來一趟喔~ 裡面的話長這樣 (我是用手機拍的,請不要嫌棄。) 然後樓上主要是賣生食 漁獲 燻鮭魚可以打包在行李箱裡面喔,我老爸很有興趣 XP 我覺得最酷而且最想買的是她們的kehabs 也就是幫你處理好也調味過的烤肉串。 還有魚的喔~~ 超級無敵有興趣的!!! 當然也會有熟食,可是我那一天去的時候吃飽了所以沒有試。不過看起來人很多應該很好吃啦~ 我好朋友推薦的是某幾間的 Ribeye, 她說非常好吃喔...