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"Highlights of the week" for a U of T student~ (continue updating)

This semester, in order to regain the passion i had for life that almost worn-out by university work and freedom life, my friend and I decided to launch a program named "Highlights of the week!" project. Starting last week!

School starts on 2016-01-11 for 2015/2016 spring semester.

On 2016-01-16,
After sleeping over at my house, we headed out together after much struggle to search for our desired place to live in for next year. Along the way, we ate lunch at Chinatown, shopped Queen's street, strolled around city hall, and ended the day watching people ski at the Nathan Philips square. Not a long walk, but it was satisfying~ personally, the highlight would be the wonderful lunch because we finally tried something different, and the experience at Michael's. Michael's is so huge that we spent at least 2 hours inside, which is actually really funny.
on a side note, it was actually a complicated day for me as i am overwhelmed with the grief of seeing such a young and courageous Taiwanese girl being bullied by prestigious people simply because Taiwan is under many pressure, including economic. Yet i say it's complicated because the party i supported in Taiwan won this 2016 presidential election, which could potentially lead to a more hopeful future for Taiwan, although this is still hard to say since only time will tell how she will do. I do not dare to say that she will definitely lead Taiwan to a better future, but at least it opens a new page and launched a new beginning.

On 2016-01-23,
The day was still young when she came to my place although it was 4 in the afternoon already. We headed out to join the Malaysian feast that U of T held at William Doo Auditorium near New College. It was really fun and amazing. With $10 of coupons, you can to enjoy fried rice (nasi goreng), fried noodles, satay, curry noodles, and even very original desserts that i don't even know the name for. However, i would highly recommend that you go with a friend, since you want to try as many things as possible but all of the entree are really fulfilling. The event organizer thoughtfully arranged performances to compliment the whole environment. Towards the end, all of us sat down on the floor enjoying the food we have and performances they provided. The whole atmosphere is really pleasant and relaxing.
True that seems like a spectacular night already right? but that didn't end our day.
After meal, we took a walk to go to the Varsity stadium knowing there will be a hockey game tonight. That night U of T male won the game! Although i don't really know the rules of hockey, but it is still engaging and very nerve racking. I have to admit though, that i was mostly amazed by their skills at ice-skating, since i can not even walk on it. The way they skate on ice is as if they are flying, exceeding the level of running, swimming, or any kinds of locomotion. They fly swift-fully everywhere within the ring, so elegant and airy. I envy their abilities...
