Electrolux Immersion Hand Blender bought from Canadian Tire, Toronto at $69.99 on discount 我看了很久很久很久&比較很多blender以後決定買這一隻~ Electrolux Immersion Hand Blender~~~ 我的需求: My Needs -打蛋白,我想烤東西~ Whisk egg white because i want to bake. -攪拌&絞碎東西,因為我在多倫多買到的貢丸都好難吃!!!以前都會特別從鄉下的阿嬤家買貢丸裡面包肉的超好吃噴汁貢丸~這裡全部都沒有... 曾經在網路上看到過可以用food processor自己做,躍躍欲試啊~ Mix and chop things. It's really useful~ although it's not good for chopping bite size because it's too fine that it will chop it into even smaller pieces. I use it for chopping garlic, ginger, onion and things that you want really really small pieces. -想喝果汁~ 一直以來很喜歡木瓜牛奶,以前都是媽媽幫我,現在只能自己來囉~ Blend fruits and vegetables into juices~ it can be used as juicer although it does leave the materials behind. So it's better if the ingredient is mushy like papaya. I have always been a fan of papaya milk, my mom used to make them all the time for me but now i'll have to survive on my own... -廚房很小,沒有太多地方可以放。 it saves a lot of spa...