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Showing posts from October, 2015

[吃] 蘆筍豬肉炒麵 Asparagus Pork Fried Noodle

蘆筍豬肉炒麵 Asparagus Pork Fried Noodle Ingredient 食材: Asparagus 蘆筍 Pork meat 豬肉 Asian noodle 麵 Garlic 大蒜 Procedure 步驟: 1. Cook the noodles first. 先煮麵因為等一下要炒。 2. Use garlic and a little red pepper to spice up the whole dish. 用大蒜&一點點辣椒爆香。 3. Stir fry the pork meat. 加豬肉炒熟。 4. Add asparagus and add salt to fit your taste. Make sure you make it more salty since you will add noodles. 豬肉炒熟了以後加蘆筍炒熟。加鹽調味,記得要比較鹹一點因為要炒麵。 5. Add noodles. Stir fry equally but doesn't have to be too long since the noodles are cooked already. 加麵,不用煮太久因為麵是熟的。拌勻就可以了。 Reference 食譜參考: I changed quite a bit because i don't have a blender / food processor plus i want to use it as bento. 因為我沒有食物調理機/果汁機而且我需要帶便當所以我沒有用熱炒的形式。 Thank you for reading~ Ariel's Conch~~

豆漿味噌海陸土手鍋 Soy milk*miso*salmon*chicken breast*chinese cabbage Noodle Soup~

Ariel 食譜: 豆漿味噌海陸土手鍋 Recipe Ariel: Soy milk*miso*salmon*chicken breast*chinese cabbage Noodle Soup~ 真的吃起來比看起來好吃喔~ 雞胸肉跟鮭魚跟味増湯一直以來的完美搭配, 白菜一直以來在重口味湯裡面釋放甜味的能力,加上豆漿和赤味増一起搭配出來的濃郁湯頭 = 超級無敵好吃的味増烏龍麵~!!! Looks tasty right~? Let's try!!! 我煮了2次這一道菜,所以有一些食材會不一樣,沒有關係喔。The picture attached in this post involves two different trials of this dish, thus some ingredients will look different. Ingredients: Chinese cabbage 白菜 *1 Salmon 鮭魚 *as much as you want, preferably the same amount as Salmon Chicken breast 雞胸肉 *as much as you want, preferably the same amount as Chicken breast (不在照片裡 not included in the picture) 白蘿蔔 Turnip *1 Miso paste 味増 *two spoon full 2湯匙 Wulong noodle 烏龍麵 *one person's serving 一人份 Soy milk sugarless 無糖豆漿 *about 700ml 大概700ml Preparations 準備工作: 1. 把白菜切成比鍋子矮一點點的距離,要可以蓋鍋蓋。Cut chinese cabbage to the height that it's just below the pot's height, make sure you can put the lid back on the pot. 2. 鮭魚&雞胸肉切小塊。白蘿蔔切一口大小。Slice salmon, chicken breast, a...

Pudding 焦糖布丁~~~

Recipe Ariel: Pudding Ariel食譜:焦糖布丁~~~ Ingredients 材料: Eggs 蛋 *3 3% Milk 牛奶 *about a 475ml Starbucks cup full 大概一個475ml的星巴克杯子滿 Sugar 糖 *3+1 spoon full 大匙 (我用的是紅糖因為我只有買這個) Water 水 (preferably hot water because the water will splash out of the pan 最好是熱水因為水加進去的時候會噴出來) Small pan 小鍋子 Container 布丁杯 (has to be microwavable) Scraping Screen 過篩的網子 Steaming machine 大同電鍋~!!! Part A, the sugar underneath the pudding that escalates the favour~ 1. Heat up your sugar, the 3 spoons full portion, in the small pan and make sure it doesn't burn. Heat up until you smell a very satisfactory caramel-like smell. 2. Pour in some water to the amount that you think it would be enough to fill your container for the pudding, for me its about half a 475ml Starbucks cup. 3. Continue heating it up and when the water is completely mixed with the sugar, e.g. you can no longer see the sugar crystals, pour it into the container of your choice. 第一部份,我最愛的焦糖~ 1. 把3湯匙的糖放進去小鍋子裡面然後加熱,要小心不可以燒焦。 2. 聞到很香...

Ali Mountain, and all you need to know for travelling there!

***** THIS IS A HAVE-TO-VISIT MOUNTAIN IN TAIWAN! Ali Mountain is probably the second most well known mountain of Taiwan, next to Yushan. However, despite its fame, you still see dozens of Taiwanese travelling to Ali Mountain, which is a rare thing if you look at the Sun Moon Lake because locals tend to avoid famous scenic sites. This is largely contributed by Ali Mountain's unique sceneries and the tendency that Chinese tourists don't stay over night. I think Ali Mountain is actually one of the ideal places for tourists to travel by themselves in a small group because, 1. Public Transportation is really convenient, will elaborate. 2. Even though during the day the whole forest park might be over populated by Chinese tourists, however they generally DO NOT stay over night, so the trip will still be really pleasant~ Especially the SUN RISE, Morning walking tours, star gazing etc. Definitely something you will want to check out. 3. Easy to buy souvenirs, everything from ...