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Showing posts from December, 2015

[吃] 紅豆湯 Red Bean Soup

紅豆湯 Red Bean Soup This is a dish that ALL Taiwanese and most of the Asian population will resonant to~ It's RED BEAN SOUP~ I know for some of the world, beans are not meant to be cooked as sweet, but this is a dish that will make you FALL IN LOVE WITH BEAN DESSERTS!!!!!! Ingredients: Red beans Sugar of your liking (brown sugar is better) Salt, just a small pinch to bring out the flavour Water Procedure: 1. Thoroughly wash your beans, and cover the beans with water slightly above them for over night. 2. Now you can cook~ Simply put the whole water and red bean on top of the stove. Turn medium heat and patiently wait. Make sure you put the lid on or else you will be waiting forever!!! (don't be as stupid as i was the first i cooked this) 3. Once you see the red beans' structure slowly broken down, generously pour brown sugar and taste it to adjust the sweetness. Adding a small pinch of salt is recommended. and then VOALA~ YOU HAVE AN AWESOME POT OF RED BEAN SO...

[吃] 茶葉蛋 Tea Boiled Egg

茶葉蛋 Tea Boiled Egg Ingredient: 2 Black tea tea bags 2 Oolong tea tea bags 20 Eggs Soy sauce 1 table spoon 冰糖 crystal sugar 2~3 八角 Star anise (a kind of Chinese spices, again, you can find it in almost all Chinatown supermarkets) Of course, 20 eggs is a large amount so simply proportionate your ingredients~ 1. Boil your eggs for 20 mins, doesn't have to be well done as it will be cooked later. 2. Crack your eggs but don't peal the shell off. Tea boiled eggs are iconic for keeping the shells while cooking. Crack it once on the bottom of the egg, twice on the sides. This is sufficient and PLEASE don't over do this step. 3. Then put eggs and all the ingredients into the pot, make sure all eggs are covered with liquid, if not, add water. 4. Bring the pot to boil and let it boil with medium heat for 20 mins. 5. After 20 mins, let it cool to the temperature you can withstand your hand inside. 6. Boil the pot for 20 mins again. This repeated heating and cooling ...