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Showing posts from February, 2020

[聊] Some interview questions

Today I did an interview online. I just wanted a space to store my answers to these questions. It'd be interesting to come back and look at this maybe in 5 years' time? haha ------------------- Q: What do you care deeply or passionately about and why? What have you done to demonstrate this? This could be in your personal life, professional/school life or both. A: Climate change is a topic nobody can shy away from. Mother nature has more than once shown us her power of destruction in 2019. The raging fire from Amazons to Australia is one we can never forget. Compare to Greta Thunberg, I cannot say I devote 100% to climate change, but I have tried to lead an example whenever I can. In my personal life, I try to limit my use of single-time plastic by always carrying my own water bottle and reusable bags. Whenever I use them in supermarkets, I felt a sense of accomplishment of contributing my little power in this green revolution. When I was in student council, I utilize...