加拿大的救生員課程 首先呢,在加拿大要當救生員需要上課。最重要的是 Bronze Medallion 和 Bronze Cross. 如果未滿16,還需要上 Bronze Star. 我上的是 Bronze Medallion. 需要通過 1) 15 分鐘游 500m 2) 完成水裡救人 3) CPR 4) 分析傷勢,知道應該要怎麼做 等等。上課都會說。 現在(2016 11)我還在上 Bronze Medallion。每個禮拜二晚上在學校的游泳池努力逼自己為自己去馬爾代夫當暑期救生員的夢想而努力,haha 下個禮拜就是最後一節課了,來跟大家說說這段時間的想法好了。下學期還要繼續學 Bronze Cross 之後在 4 月還要考救生員的考試之後就可以真正當救生員啦! Goals of first aid: Preserve Promote Prevent When do we start: Consent -unconscious are implied -babies are implied if parents are not around When do we stop: -recovered -someone more qualified shows up -if you can't continue Ladder approach: Talk Reach Wade Row Swim Tow Carry Self rescue: -climb out of ice: stay flat & shuffle out of water -moving water: swim head down in water -boat flips over: stay with the boat -victim grab on to you: go underwater and reverse & ready Spinal injuries: Use their hand to tighten their head and take them to shallow end. Canadiana Rescue 1 1) Victim? 2) Bystander sho...