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Showing posts from April, 2015

Xiaoliuqiu, Taiwan~ a compacted holiday with food, seafood, and so much more~

Hi Everyone~ The last four-day holiday weekend I travelled to Xiaoliuqiu with a friend of mine. I would like to share my experience as a guidance for you all~ First and foremost, transportation. 1. Train or Taiwan high speed train $ Buy a ticket to Zuoying station 左營站 If you travel on a normal weekday, book at least 5 days prior to get the maximum discount online, or else you can go and buy nonreserved seats on the day of departure to save about $50. I took the train from Banqiao to Zuoying, non reserved seats, $1545 2. Go to donggang harbor 東港碼頭 Here, there're 3 way to do so. 1) Take metro $20 from high speed train station 高鐵左營站 to gaohsiong station 高雄車站 and transfer to bus 客運 $ 118 for any bus that goes to 東港. This is the method I took but allegedly it takes longer, which I cannot be sure. 2) Take the bus 台灣好行 墾丁線 to dapengwan 大鵬灣. Donggang 東港 is inside the 大鵬灣 national park, so it's definitely accessible, through, I guess asking people along the way. Taiwa...